What is Burnout and how to avoid it

Photo by Sydney Sims on Unsplash

What is Burnout and how to avoid it

What is burnout?

Burn out is a pattern of physical and emotional exhaustion that results from long-term stress. The term was first used by Hans Selye in the 1950s to describe the experience of being depleted by chronic stress. It's a feeling that some people get when they're under pressure for long periods of time, whether at work or at home. It can happen to anyone at any age or stage of life, although research suggests it's more common in people who have demanding jobs or careers like nursing, teaching or law enforcement. I experienced burnout first hand after 15 years of being on call and working crazy hours.

Burnout is a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged stress on the body. It has a negative impact on your life, both personally and professionally.

Physical symptoms include feeling tired all the time, having headaches or muscle aches that won't go away, trouble sleeping well at night (or staying asleep), frequent colds or illnesses that last longer than normal.

Emotional symptoms include feeling irritable or angry with others without knowing why; being easily upset by small things such as traffic jams or spilled coffee; finding it hard to enjoy activities you used to enjoy such as going out with friends because they seem too much work now instead of fun; feeling like you have no energy left in you anymore when faced with challenges at work or home life (even if those challenges are normal). You may also be experiencing depression and anxiety which could lead up to thoughts about suicide if these feelings continue for long periods of time without treatment from someone who knows what's best for their well-being."

What causes burnout?

Stress from work, lack of sleep and too much exercise are all too common causes of burnout.

Not having a break from work can cause you to become stressed out and ultimately burned out.

Lack of time to do things you enjoy will only cause your mind to become more stressed out, leading to burnout.

A job that doesn't match your skill set will leave you feeling unfulfilled on a day-to-day basis, which can lead to burnout if left unchecked for too long of a period of time (think about how frustrating it is when something isn't working properly).

No time for self-care is another important thing that contributes towards burnout -- if you don't take care of yourself first then other people won't be able to do so either!

Stages of burnout

Initial stage:

You are likely to notice the first signs of burnout when you regularly feel tired or overwhelmed at work. You may have difficulty concentrating, making decisions and remembering details of your day. You may also find yourself irritable, impatient or snappy with colleagues and family members.

Emotional exhaustion:

The second stage is marked by emotional exhaustion—the feeling that you have nothing left emotionally to give at work because you've given so much already. You feel emotionally drained, exhausted and worn down by responsibilities at home and/or at work—to the point where it's difficult for you to get through the day without crying or becoming angry over something trivial (such as spilling coffee on your desk). Depersonalization: During this phase of burnout, it becomes increasingly difficult for you to relate positively with other people in general—including friends outside of work—because they're seen as competitors who prevent getting ahead professionally; relationships with coworkers also suffer due to indifference towards them since everything seems pointless anyway (to further complicate matters here is where most people start viewing their job as pointless). Reduced personal accomplishment: This stage involves feelings of worthlessness because despite putting forth effort into doing things right there still hasn't been any positive impact on either self-esteem or others around them; hence why many people eventually begin avoiding social situations altogether out of fear they'll say something wrong while under stress from said situation which will ultimately lead others judging them negatively due how poorly they did during those stressful times (which could potentially lead those same individuals spreading rumors about what happened). Reduced professional accomplishment happens due

Acknowledge the early warning signs of burnout.

Burnout can sneak up on you, so listen to your body, mind and emotions for early warnings that something is wrong. If you feel tired or stressed out all the time, it's possible that you are feeling overwhelmed by work—and this may be a sign that you need to make changes at work or change jobs entirely. When we're burnt out, we tend to withdraw from others; if this happens in your life (for example, if you stop hanging out with friends because they're always complaining about their jobs), then it could also be an indication that something bigger is going on with how much energy and passion (or lack thereof) you have for living life every day as compared with others around you.

Ask for help early on.

If you're feeling burned out, ask for help. You don't have to push through it alone.

Your boss may be worried about you—and rightly so! If your performance is suffering as a result of burnout, then your company could be facing negative consequences as well. So don't hesitate to tell your manager what's going on and ask how he or she can help reduce the stress in your life. Your colleagues might also be able to provide some assistance with projects that would otherwise take up too much of your time and energy—and they may even be able to share their own tips with you based on their own experiences dealing with burnout (or avoiding it altogether).

If talking with coworkers isn't doing the trick, reach out to family members who are more removed from work but still want what's best for you (or ask them if they know someone who specializes in helping people like this). If those attempts fail, look into professional counseling services where trained psychologists can offer advice based on their expertise about how best to deal with specific situations like yours without having any preconceived ideas about what should happen next—that kind of objectivity could prove invaluable during such stressful times!

Prioritize a work-life balance.

Take time for yourself, your family, and your friends.

Exercise regularly and try to relax as often as possible! Perhaps you could take breaks during the day or at lunch time to do something fun or relaxing (i.e., reading, meditating/relaxing, watching TV/movies/videos on YouTube).

Let your family know what you need.

Letting your family know what you need is important, because they can be a source of support. Your family members may be able to help you decompress, find time to relax and exercise, or give you a break from work by stepping in to do some of the things that are usually your responsibility.

Attend therapy or support groups.

One of the most helpful things you can do for yourself is to attend therapy or support groups. I have been seeing my therapist bi-weekly for 11 years now and it has been a life saver. If you have dealt with trauma in your past, have a mental illness, are dealing with depression and anxiety, or are feeling overwhelmed by stressors in your life, therapy can help.

It's important to note that there is no one-size-fits all approach to therapy; some people prefer individual sessions while others enjoy group settings. Some therapists use different techniques like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), narrative therapy and even hypnosis. Each therapist has their own way of interacting with their clients which may include discussions on how someone feels about themselves or how they relate to others around them.

Have a reliable person who you can call upon if you need to vent, cry, or talk.

You need someone who you can rely on, and it's important to find a reliable person. If you don't have anyone to talk to, consider asking people you trust for advice on how they would handle that situation or if they know someone who might be able to help. There are several ways of talking about your problems:

Venting involves expressing emotions freely, even if it makes no sense or seems irrational at the time. For example, "I feel like I'm going crazy!"

Crying is an expression of sadness or despair that often accompanies venting and can be cathartic for some people; others may feel embarrassed doing so in front of others. Try not judging yourself if this happens—it's natural! And remember that crying isn't always just about sadness (it might also mean anger or frustration). If you're feeling overwhelmed with emotion after sharing something difficult with someone else, consider taking breaks throughout the conversation so your friend has time alone his thoughts before diving back into discussion again later down road; this will allow both parties involved some space needed during times when things get too overwhelming."

Don’t be afraid to ask for time off from work.

Don’t be afraid to ask for time off from work.

** Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

** Don’t be afraid to ask for a break.

** Don’t be afraid to ask for a change in your work schedule.

** Don't be afraid to ask for a new job

Take time for yourself each day to decompress by journaling, walking, shopping, or talking with friends.

The best way to avoid burnout is to take time for yourself each day. Taking care of yourself is extremely important, especially when you're feeling overwhelmed or stressed!

There are many ways you can take time for yourself:

Journaling can be a great way to express your feelings and thoughts. Write down whatever comes to mind—whether it's frustrations with work or worries about your relationships—and then reread what you wrote later to gain perspective.

Walking outside is another great way to get some fresh air and feel relaxed in nature. If walking isn't possible due to weather conditions, try listening music while indoors instead! Or talk with friends! Friends are always there when we need them :)

Shopping is also a good way to decompress after work because shopping helps release endorphins (feel good hormones) into our brains which make us happy again :)

Burnout comes from being "on" all the time and not having time for yourself.

If you're feeling burnt out, it's likely because you've been on all the time. But don't worry! You can get back on track by looking at how much time you're spending at work and thinking about where else that time could be spent—time with friends or family, doing activities that help you relax and unwind when you come home from work, or just having a glass of wine in the evening instead of putting your head down into a book. Find a way to **TURN IT OFF and enjoy yourself.


Burnout is a serious problem. It can ruin your health and it can ruin your career. There are plenty of ways to avoid it, but you have to recognize the symptoms first. I hope this article helps someone who and reach out to me directly if you would like more resources.

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